Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Milan Day 2


today was basically get to know the city. After we all slept and ate a good breakfast of juice and the most amazing pastry with chocolate cream filling..... we walked all over the city and saw the most beautiful things! Lots of architecture, fresh flowers, fresh food and a random church. Easter is coming so people are getting ready for that.

After the tour we were let loose and decided to try some food. Well none of us speak Italian so we grabbed out dictionaries and prayed we could get food. We found Bruno our tour guide and dragged him with us to order food. Then, then we found the Gilato and our entire world was turned upside down. This stuff is AMAZING! Seriously when you order it looks like chip cream. This morning I got chocolate fudge and chocolate. Thankfully we walked everywhere today.

Today was a professional outing day and we got to visit a design school here in Milan. We saw some of the famous architects that have come out of the school and it was pretty cool.
Since Easter is coming the whole city will be shut down from friday until sunday so we decided today would be a great day to get food. Ha ha ha..... Managed to piss off the lady at the check out only we didn't know what she said so yeah. Plus our cards don't work so thankfully before we left the States we got Euros and could buy something. I think I should have studied some language before I left. I keep trying to talk to people in Russian but of course they don't understand!
After that fiasco we were not about to cook our own food so we went and found some pizza place, easy to order right? Nope. We had to look up all the words, I almost ordered Vodka and anchovies on my pizza. The waiter saw us with our dictionary and thinking he would be helpful got a us a menu in English but had Chinese explanations. Nope sorry no Chinese. To cheer ourselves up we got some more Gilato. I might be brining some of that stuff home with me! It's SO good.


  1. Holy cow that view is AWESOME! I miss you like crazy but I'm glad that you're enjoying the city. Take lots more pictures for me.

    Oh and you cut your hair?!?

  2. didn't even print out a basic "how to say this" type of guide? Like how to say "I want this..." or "where is the bathroom?" The latter I think is the most important of all. Want me to find you something like that? Or...hee the Italian version of our Merde! books?

    I'm going to compose a nice long email to you tonight I'll post all about my new phone and how it's the Thursday of my Spring Break and I've done zilch amount of homework. :(

    Miss you tons. I'll email you, k?

    P.S. I may comment as my LJ username in the future too. It's masharpwitted. Cool cool. LOVE YOU!
