Friday, April 2, 2010

crap day

To start out with, please don't make fun of my hair; I don't know what's going on with it but the humidity and whatnot is making it crazy. The other day I did it curly and I totally looked like a cross between a french poodle and Grace from Will and Grace when they had a flash back episode. How am I gonna find a husband this way?! Oh well.
You know that movie Fiefel Goes West? And then they sing the song " there are no cats in America and the streets are paved with gold?"? Or something like that. Well that's what I thought all day today. There are no cats in Italy and the streets are paved with terrazo stone or ceramic tile! I'm freaking serious. I'm gonna call this "Dahlia goes East" and make up a song about it. Don't worry I won't sing it.
This morning was kinda crapy. We woke up to rain and chilly weather. Thankfully we didn't have to be anywhere until 12 so we all slept in until 10 when some crazy maintenance man and I opened the door in my pajamas and crazy hair poor guy thought I was meduca. And I just looked at him with a blank stare on my face because Hi I don't speak ITALIAN!!!!! I don't look Italian nor do I dress Italian so stop trying to talk to me!!! We had a great brunch of eggs and toast then set off.
We had to get our bus passes so we stopped to get passport photo thingys. I'm seriously beginning to think that I am special. My passport looks like I'm on crack, my DL looks like I am physically challenged and now my bus pass looks worse than all of those. I got out of that picture booth and just about charted a plane back to the states. I was so not very happy. Then we rode the metro to the stupid under ground government place to get our bus passes. They were not happy when 12 girls walked in and all needed brand new bus passes. I don't speak Italian but I do speak angry mother and there were some angry mothers there. Pretty sure they cursed us out. That took like 4 hours so of course I'm starving and we all know what happens when I don't get food. I wanted to kill someone. Thankfully they decided we needed to get food so we walked through the metro and prayed that it had stopped raining. As we walked up the metro into the city I could see these amazing achanthus leaf columns we keep walking up I see the most amazing gothic architecture I have ever seen. I had been transported into 16th Century Italy. The city center with the Duoma was incredible! I was still in a bad mood but I was shocked and amazed at how that building had been made thousands of years ago by people who didn't have the architectural tools that we have now. We ate lunch at this crazy Pizzeria where, yes, everyone I ordered french fires and a COKE. They didn't have diet but I didn't care, I needed something. That was the best pizza and fries I had ever tasted! Then we walked around some more and headed back to our residence. We had 2 hours then we were meeting for dinner at 7 pm. Kinda late if you ask me but whatever. We got changed all cute like and met for dinner. Then we went to this restaurant where literally I spent 3 hours there eating a 3 course meal. First I had CHOCOLATE noodles. Yes Chocolate. IT WAS AMAZING! Like a cake with noodles and cheese. Who thought you could do that!? Then later they brought out chicken fritters and fries for me. Everyone else ordered fish and I'm not that brave yet... Then the best chocolate mouse in the world! So rich and creamy. Exactly what I needed. We finally left at 10 and there was talk to dancing at the club!!!! We all had to be up super early but decided we better do it this night because everyone was partying in preparation for Good Friday the next day. Oh it was AWESOME!

We got there about 11 and paid an outrageous cover charge. Take note that it was the Mormon girls who had nothing to drink that suggested this, and we rounded up a few other ladies and hit the town! It was crowded and I haven't seen that many beautiful all shoved into one small tiny room in my life! At 12 it was wall to wall people and we could barely move. Then at 12:30 some drag queens showed up and started dancing on the bar. Then the half stripping dance girls showed up and started dancing on the bar. They took all of the guys. But don't worry there was plenty to go around. A group of semi drunk men came over to us and started trying to talk to us and found out that we were American. That started a great night of dancing. They had been playing Italian music then they turned it up and put on Solja Boy! Oh baby it got better from there!!!! So amazing. Yes I did dance with some guys..... Some good some kinda naughty but I kept my virtue so no worries. At about 3 we started to get tired and tried to make our way home in a cab. Got home about 3:30 and smelled SO bad that all of us showered and didn't crawl into bed until almost 5 am. Then woke up at 8 am for a morning of running around trying to figure out the city. Not the greatest of mornings.

The school we're studying at is really cool and I'm excited to study here. School starts monday. There goes my days of walking around with Gilatto. Which is ok because my body hurts so bad. I haven't hurt this bad since my mission. Since we stayed up so late we took a nap from 1 to 6 and now have no intention of leaving our apt. We have food in here and can probably make something. I feel really old and crickety and I just want to lay in bed elevating my feet. I still can't believe I'm in Italy. It feels like at any moment I'm going to wake up and all this is going to be a dream. Everywhere I go is picturesk. It's so beautiful and historical here. I can't wait to learn more about the city. I really think that I could live in Europe for the rest of my life.

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