Sunday, April 25, 2010


April 24, 2010
I had decided to wait to do any and all shopping until the last 3 days that I was here. This way I can make sure I have enough money and will have seen everything to make an educated decision. Well today they had a HUGE open market and we went. Oh my gosh. It was like Russia all over again and we had TOO much fun. We left at 11 am and got done about 4 pm. I got some cool stuff and spent more than I wanted to but oh well. You're only young and stupid once right!
None of us had eaten all day so we tried to find a cafe that would feed us which proved harder than we thought. Why can't they just be open when we need them to?! Is it too hard to have NORMAL feeding times?! Seriously. Thankfully we found some place that would feed us tortilla's with tomatoes, cheese and lettuce. I wanted pasta but this was fun.
After last weeks' fiasco of techno train horn blaring and techno music we are going to give dancing in Italy another shot. So here we go off to the club at 12 AM. It was super loud and a ton of people! But we got VIP so we headed to the back where it wasn't so bad. And we partied away until 4 am when they kicked us out.

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