Thursday, April 22, 2010


April 21, 2010
Today is my long class day where we have class for 8 hours with only a 45 minute period for lunch. It's pretty hard, but we survive. We usually leave at 8:15 to make it to class at 9, especially since the last few times we've been late and the morning traffic is pretty bad. About half way there the bus stopped and we didn't move for quite some time. In the middle of the highway the bus opened its doors and told us to get off! We thought there was just a traffic jam and could catch the bus further up. Ummm no. The bus in front of us HIT A MOTORCYCLE DRIVER!!! The ambulance was there and by the time we saw him they had the poor guy on a gurney and were making sure he was ok. I didn't see any blood and he was moving his arms so I'm assuming he's ok. He was without pants so I'm pretty sure he hurt his leg pretty bad. It's one of those times when you prayed that you listened to your mom when she said always make sure you have on clean underwear you never know what's going to happen!
In our Culture and Civilization class we read about Italians and their food. Dude, I was so HUNGRY! Then we started watching Il Dolce Vita. It was interesting, but I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open to read the translation and I decided that then was a great moment to put my translation skills to work and I just closed my eyes and listened to the Italian. No idea what that movie is about. I feel asleep for a few minutes and on our first break I downed a thing of coke and prayed the caffeine would set in!

For lunch we decided to try some new place and ordered (each of us) an entire pizza. It was HUGE!!!! Four cheeses! How much greater can life get!? Every time we picked up a piece grease DRIPPED from the pizza. Awesome. About 2 minutes into our meal one of the girls with us FREAKED out and walked out of the restaurant. Apparently a cockroach was crawling up her leg. WTF! We didn't leave, but definitely picked up our feet and tried not to think about it.
We sit in the computer lab for our Advanced Commercial Design class. I don't think that there are any building codes here because it was 1000 degrees and NO WAY to open a freaking window! Plus I'm pretty sure there was no ventilation system in there. All the windows had another plate of class instead of screen. I think they're afraid some idiot will jump out the windows. Whatever it was the longest class of my life.

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