Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sabbath Activites

April 11, 2010
Finally I slept in past 7:30 in time to wake up for church. Thankfully church was not too far away so we hoped on the bus with scriptures and address in hand. then I lost track of the number of stops so we got off and walked the rest of the way. Found the building the church was supposed to be in, but there was no sign that a church was there....or a way to get into the building. So we stood there of about 10 minutes.....and finally a nice old lady came by. She asked what we wanted and of course I spouted off in Russia, but she got what I was trying to say and let us in. As soon as we walked in she directed us to the senior couple missionaries who hugged us and welcomed us with open arms. They set us up with translators(mind you this was high tech translation, with head sets and everything!) and we set in for fast and testimony meeting. The ward was pretty big about 50 people, and they were happy and hearing their testimonies in English was very inspiring.

After church we went to the Duomo, which is one of the most famous Catholic churches in Milan. The night before I ordered 4 tickets for us to tour the top of the building, which despite the outrageous price I've heard is worth the price. So we book it over there and get set on a wild goose chase with every information person saying that we need to go somewhere else. When we finally found the right place they were pretty put out that I didn't have my stupid confirmation number and when I forcefully asked them to look it up by my name they threw a little tisy fit in the back room. Customer service is seriously lacking over here in Europe.

Finally we made it to the top. Oh wow. This building was built in Gothic times, about 1500's and the details and mass size of the building just really blew me away! When we were on the very top we met some cute Italians who wanted to hang with us, but we just took pictures of them and decided to go home because it was starting to rain. So we put our cameras away and as I was taking mine of my wrist I lost hold of it and the camera tumbled down the roof of the church. "F*&^!" Was pretty much the only word that came out of my mouth. Thankfully the church has a church around the top, so poor thing on tumbled to the bottom of the roof. Everything is ok. It had started to rain so we grabbed some desert food and headed home to sit and work on homework the rest of the night.

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