Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Time

April 6, 2010
They say that if you stay up until 12 pm the night you get to a new country then get up at 8 and only take a small nap and go to bed at a normal hour that within three days you will be over your jet lag. Well I beg to differ. I have super bad jet lag and I can't cure myself from it! I stay up until 3 am everyday and then can't get up for class or anything! Agghh! By the time I get used to Italy time I'll be flying back to America!
Today was my WWII Class.....amazing. We had a lecture for 3 hours about the use of propaganda and photography in the war, by all parties. It was really interesting; then we toured for an hour around the city to see some war cites.
I think the weather was around 60 or 70 degrees today! Halleluiah! The short sleeves and sandals have come out! It was really nice to just walk around the city and feel the sun.
We were in a hurry trying to buy groceries so I ran downstairs(yes downstairs in the grocery store) to get water, oranges, and dishwasher soap. Today we tried to use all of those things. The water was carbonated.....The oranges are bright red, they look like grapefruits but they taste SO good, and the dish soap is.....that sparkling stuff you put in the dishwasher to keep the dishes clean. Needless to say we are dehydrated and have dirty dishes.
Welcome to life in Italy.

1 comment:

  1. How is it to take a WWII class in a country that was on the other side of the war??? That would be sooo interesting to me!
