Sunday, April 25, 2010

I think British

April 22, 2010
Most of you know that people mistake me for being British. Apparently I look and act British. Today we were headed to get some Gelato and I was walking ahead of everyone, not really paying attention. Then I heard the girls behind me laughing really hard so I turned around to see what the deal was and they asked if I had heard what the man said. Nope. When I walked by him he pointed at me and said in English " I think British." I am seriously considering coming home with a British accent.
Today was also my WWII class where we had our midterms. We each had to gather pictures of our families from the 1920's and 30's, then talk about them a little bit. I was so excited for this project! So excited that I forgot my flash drive at home. So in the middle of class I scrambled to put together my project. Then we talked about Fascism in Italy, how it started a lot of the symbols of Fascism and other interesting facts. We never have 4 hour lectures(thankfully) so our teacher takes us around the city and tells us some pretty cool stuff about Milan. Our first stop was Vogue magazine. Now what does that have to do with WWII? Nothing except for the fact that our teacher wrote an article in the Italian Vogue and he wrote a book about furniture for Vogue and he needed to pick some stuff up. I have the coolest teacher in the world! Then we took a tour of a design studio of Corian. SO COOL! Afterward we headed to the stock market exchange area where all of the buildings were built during Fascism time and have lots of naked people on them. I can't remember what they have to do with Fascism but they do.
The exact building where Fascism started is still alive and in use today. We went down a very small obscure street and bam there we were. Of course we all started taking pictures of it! Then some official looking guy came out and told us NO PHOTOS! Fascism is not dead, my friends. Apparently this building is FBI and City Police headquarters...... There were lots of policemen standing outside kicking it. Man I love a man in uniform.....
After class we hit up some place thinking it would be time for happy hour and turns out we missed it so we had to just order food. Everyone else ordered a tortilla with cheese, tomatoes, ham and lettuce. I ordered a tortilla with nutella. On top of that we ordered virgin pina coladas. Needless to say I was a little sick after all that sugar.

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