Thursday, April 29, 2010

Awkward moments

April 29, 2010
I spent the day at school again. I got up pretty early and made the long bus trek to school. The past few times I've been gone to school, somehow I've missed the stop and had to get off at the next one. I usually catch that we're at the stop and when I try to get off the doors shut in my face. But luckily today I was paying attention, probably because the really hot guy got off at the same stop as me.
Had the most amazing pizza! The sweet pizza guy even made it into a heart for me! The weather is too hot right now. I see that it is raining and almost snowing in Utah. Could you send me some rain? I'll send some sunshine!
For class we just had a lecture about the Nazi, again. We could talk about that topic all day and I would never get bored. Then we wandered around the city for a bit and then we went to happy hour. We always order virgin pina colada's and they come in small whiskey glasses. Well tonight they came in these huge goblets and I kinda freaked out that I ordered alcohol. We didn't, it was alcohol free!
After happy hour we got our nightly dose of gelato and headed home. After 4 weeks of walking up 3 flights of stairs my butt is getting pretty firm and so I need a rest. It's elevator time. So we waited for the elevator and when it got there I started to walk in but there was this couple in the elevator doing something that should not be done in that dirty elevator and the lady was quickly pushing all the buttons and told me she would send me the elevator!!!! It was pretty awkward!

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