Saturday, April 10, 2010

Crazy Adventures

April 8, 2010

In our Advanced Commercial Design class we are doing portable retail shops for the 2015 world exhibition in Milan. So for our class we spent the day taking pictures of different retail stores. I was assigned the group of high end stores. Prada, Gucci, Louis Vitton. Awesome! We headed downtown to see all the shops. We saw some pretty cool stuff. I'm starting to like commercial design. Also somehow found the Abercrombie and Fitch store with a line half way down the street to get into the store! What?! We came across one street that had 100's of giant lamp shades! Each store on the street was given a lamp shade to design and then they hung them across the buildings.
We studied the history of Milan in class and learned all about the thousands of people that have conquered Milan. Our teacher said that it's very hard to build in Milan because once they start digging they find foundations and remnants of the Roman Empire buildings! How cool would that be?

After 8 hours of class we went to happy hour and had amazing food. Then we started our trek home. In America there is an organized way of crossing the street: you wait for the light to turn green so you can cross the street. Here in Italy it's a little bit more negotiable. They have lights but you can cross whenever you want but it's at your own risk.....Well we started to cross the street and then realized that cars were coming. So 2 of us started running back to the crosswalk, but one of us stopped right in the middle of the street and SCREAMED bloody murder then ran to the crosswalk. Well because all the buildings are so tall and close together it echoed. Really really bad. The rest of us doubled over in laughter and almost peed our pants while the entire city of Italy laughed at us. More grand adventures to come.
After class the next day we decided to do another happy hour and found the coolest restaurant that played real American hip hop music. Across the street at the other cafe we saw the HOTTEST GUY! He was super cute. Took lots of pictures of him and his.....behind. So we asked our waiter if he knew the hot guy across the street. (mind you our waiter was pretty cute too) Turns out the waiters are BROTHERS!!!! Two hot brothers in one family! Heck yeah! Then our waiter hollered at his brother and turns out he's married but no problem we're meeting at 2 am. Ha ha. Just kidding.
Our adventures for this weekend are: Friday 8 hours of class, with a 1 hour lunch break. Then 2 hours of Italian language class. Saturday a day trip to Lake Como. No idea what the crap it is but it sounds fun and pretty. Then dancing at the club! Maybe I'll find a husband. :)