Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cooking Class

April 27, 2010

Today started out pretty ordinary and boring then got more and more awesome as the day wore on!
After I recovered from a false alarm of the cleaning lady coming in at 8:30 AM(still not sure who rang the bell and woke me up out of a DEEP sleep.....Nizhoon.....). Got up and went about my day as usual. Actually I haven't gone grocery shopping in awhile and just rain out of breakfast food so I had to make eggs. Which is really hard to do when you don't have a frying pan.
I had my WWII Europe class today, we spent almost the entire time talking about the Nazi. It was probably the best class I have ever been in. In America we get the American perspective on WWII here we got the Italian, and since my teacher is part German, perspective on the Nazi. We learned why and how it was possible that Hitler was able to take power and be so successful in bringing Nazism to Germany. He gave us a lot of books to read and then we all brainstormed and got a list of movies to watch on WWII.

We usually have short lectures and long tours of the city but since today we have a cooking class, we stayed in class most of the time and then went to the most awesome bookstore!! It was some store that housed a bunch of communism and fascism books. The coolest part was that our teacher took us through a door in this wall COVERED with art graffiti. then we walked through an alley way and it opened up into what seemed to me like an underground artist group. Everyone was working on crazy art stuff of building things and when we walked in they all started staring at us!
For cooking class we learned how to make pasta(from scratch) and different types of sauces. We washed our hands, strapped on our aprons and got to work. Well everyone else did, I sat back and watched. We all know what happens when I try to cook. ( I'm sorry Becky about your microwave. I still feel bad.) I took pictures and then I ate a lot. We have 2 more classes while we're here. One is strictly desserts....That's the one I'm looking forward to!

1 comment:

  1. Nice Posting, I found valuable information about cooking classes and lot's of cooking related information. if any body want to know more information then please visit, Italy cooking tours and Italian Cooking Tours
