Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Design Week Begins!

April 12, 2010
30 more days! it's gone by SO fast! Today was the start of design week, there is a design spirit in the air that just demands creativity. I had my WWII class all day yesterday and my teacher is a professor for the art school that is right by us and his students were getting ready for their exhibition for design week. So we tagged along so he could get some stuff and in the process he told every one there that we were journalists so we were able to take pictures and learn a lot about the stuff they were doing. It was pretty amazing!
After that we grabbed the most amazing lunch of pasta with a red meat sauce(Meat... oh how I've missed you). I'm in love with pasta. Then we visited a war cemetery and called it a day. It was a pretty long day of walking around again. I swear sometimes we walk 20 miles a day. My feet hurt SO bad and I have good supporting shoes I don't know how the pioneers did it. Props to them. All I know is that the first thing I do when I get home is just sit in my car. I'll hug her and kiss her and never abuse her again.

Again hit the happy hour and were trying to grab some munchy food and I saw these green bean looking things. They looked like they had some yummy seasoning on it. So when I got up to them I went to grab some and realized that they had EYES on them. No, not green beans. Some kind of gross fish. Holy crap what is wrong with these people!? You don't eat little fishies like that! Then I was eating a piece of pizza and of course got a mouthful of fish. Not great luck with food today.
The sunny nice weather went away so I'm back to freezing my little buns off

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Dahlia, I'm freaking in love with your blog! I can practically hear you telling your stories rather than reading them, because they are just so funny! :) You look like you are having an amazing time and Milan looks and sounds absolutely gorgeous. I'm so jealous!! But Lehi is almost as cool and exotic, right? Right??
