Thursday, April 22, 2010


April 20, 2010
Today was a pretty chill day, only one class at 3 so we spent the morning doing homework and catching up on sleep. In WWII we talked about Fascism in Italy why it started and all about Mussolini. Very interesting except that no amount of caffeine could keep me awake and lectures at 3 in the afternoon with really hot weather are not a good combination. Thankfully we had a fieldtrip day and went to a WWII cemetery. I'm not the biggest fans of cemeteries, they freak me out and I avoid them at all costs, but you can't really do that when it's your class assignment so off we went.

It was cool, really quiet and peaceful (obviously....). They had an entire building devoted to the architects, designers and artists during WWII that had passed away. All of the gravesites were elaborately carved statues. If we had had more time we could have wandered around more and gotten lost. Under the building were above the ground tombs. Some families were buried there with their loved ones

from the war. While we were standing next to one of them trying to translate what was written on the gravesite an old man on a bike came over and OPENED the door where are the people are buried! Of course I was standing right next to that door and got a nice view of what was inside. It was pretty dark and thankfully no dead bodies. Just shovels and wood. Still just a little bit freaky.

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