Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The countdown begins

April 28, 2010
14 days left. It is crunch time my friends. Finals are in a week and home is not to far away. Everyone is trying to get everything done, including me.
No matter how hard we try it is virtually impossible to go to bed before 12 am. So every day that we have class at 9 am is a struggle. A struggle to get up and to stay awake in class. In culture and civilization of Italy we learned all about the Italian life. Their health insurance, education and how many people die due to car accidents every day. The number is insane. We also watched the funniest movie ever! I don't even know what it's called but it was HILARIOUS!
In advanced commercial it's a nightmare. We presented our sketches of the spaces we have and got a ton of good feedback. Maybe a little too much feedback. Then we sat in class and once again 100,000 degrees. I don't know how we function normally. Plus on top of that I forgot to eat and didn't have time to go get food so it made for a really long day....
Italy is playing Barcelona in soccer tonight; the last time they played was here in Milan women were not allowed because it's too dangerous. Tonight they are playing in Barcelona so everyone went to the bar to watch it. I got a ton of feedback for my project and am starting to feel very overwhelmed so I wanted a night to eat and do homework. Or not. I left my flash drive plugged into the computer at school. Aggh!

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