Saturday, April 3, 2010



Today was again just a get to know Milan. As much as I love that we are here, my feet are tired from walking all day. No offense to anyone but I feel like I'm 50 years old. Since tomorrow is Easter a lot of places are closed. The streets near our residence are very quiet and it seems like a ghost town. We tried to find the open market but got lost so we ended up at the grocery store. Then we set off to see downtown.
We started at some castle, where unfortunately there was no handsome prince waiting for me. But it was fun. The architecture was so amazing! I still can't get over how detailed and ornate everything is. I think about when the buildings were built and how they were able to do all the things they did.
Of course it's pouring rain today so everything that we do includes wet wet and more wet! After running around at the castle and in the rain we went down down town to the Duoma. Apparently at the center of the city thingy mosiac tiled into the floor is a bull where you put your heel in and spin on his balls. ................. Ok. Yes I want to do it, but I have not yet. I watched a bunch of people do it. Knowing me and how rainy it was I probably would have fallen on my face. I'm already awkward let's not add falling on my face while spinning on some bulls balls to the list.

In this area is the most expensive stores to shop. So I took a look around at Prada, Gucci, Luis Vitton and then McDonalds. No that was not a typo McDonalds was adjacent to Prada. What?!? Crazy! McDonalds shouldn't be there. Eww. (Even though I secretly wanted to eat a hamburger) Then we walked down this random street to see all the expensive stores like Armani and whatever all those expensive stores are. I didn't go in the Armani store but I stood outside in the rain taking pictures of the window displays.
Today was just a ton of walking around seeing things. The rain put a damper on any and all of our shopping so sorry no souvenirs. Pray the rain stops or you'll be lucky to get me home. I'm tempted to never leave my apartment. Before we treked home we stopped at Burger King for some food. I know, I know, but seriously......A whopper!

Now we're home watching conference. It's 6:30 PM and I'm all cuddled in my bed warm and dry.

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