Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Milan Italy Day 1

Day 1 of Milan Italy study abraod.......
After the sweet Delta lady encouraged me to repack my luggage for being 8 pounds over the limit, I repacked my suitcase in the middle of the airport twice and was finally able to check my luggage. Nizhoon, Ashley King, Ashley Williamson and I posed to document the start of our awesome journey. Passed through security with only a minor hick-up. Apparently I packed a little too well and they couldn't see what was in my carry on so they searched it. Now I'm on the airplane headed for New York City-JFK. A nice man was sitting next to me, this was his first time flying and he was freaked out, had already taken a zantex he tells me. Then 30 minutes into the flight I'm pretty sure he popped another one. Then the drinks came and he ordered 2 glasses of whiskey and another 2 30 minutes later. Poor guy, he totally passed out! Thankfully he fell the other way and not on me, and he didn't throw up.
Made it to JFK with no other problems, meet up with Tara the other girl in our group. As we're boarding the plane I look around at all the Italians boarding with us and all I can think is "Holy F-ing crap, I'm so, so , SO glad that I'm single!" :) This is gonna be awesome. I find my seat and soon after I sit down the HOTTEST Italian sits right next to me! I smile and dang it he doesn't speak English! If I was not half asleep and delirious from flying I would probably have tried to communicate with him, but I didn't. It was raining pretty bad in NYC so it took forever to take off and there was a ton of turbulence. They wouldn't fed up forever! Finally they did and after I had been fed and watered I took my sleeping pills and prayed that I would pass out soon. Nope. I watched all of that Crazy Heart movie. Dumb. Dumb and boring. And still I didn't sleep! On top of that hottie mchottie has the LONGEST legs in the world and of course so do I so of course we're battling for the only leg space they give you on international flights : 2 tiny inches! There was lots of footsie and touching of the leg. And dang it he still didn't ask for my number! Maybe I snored. After 8 long hours of flying we hear the initial decent into Milan Italy come over the speaker phone and all of us hit the windows, nose pressed to the glass to see what this new city will look like.

it's so BEAUTIFUL here! Everything is so CLEAN! The drive to the hotel was interesting, we saw a lot of the industrial business part of the city and that was so cool! To see how clean and neat their garbage is! Plus the language is so beautiful! I want to learn this language. We finally get to the hotel and find that we are in the middle of the most quantest city ever! I feel like I'm in Tuscany Italy! It's everything like you see on TV! There are balconies with flowers growing out of them, people hanging their laundry to dry, roof gardens, everything! I don't think I'm coming home. I might just stay here forever.
We settle into our tiny hotel room, the bathroom, bedroom and living room are all bigger than the kitchen. In fact the closet is bigger than the kitchen! The kitchen is just a little walk through on the way to the bedroom! But we are in love! We have a balcony that overlooks the street we're on. Today is raining and overcast; I can't wait to see the city bright and sunny.

Well I've meet at the 19 year olds "so excited to be in Italy...." And they are. I'm sure they think that the SLC group is a bunch of uptight Mormons. But actually we're more lively than them! Today everyone is pretty tired and cranky so I can't really gage how crazy they really are. We had a lunch of amazing pasta, potatoes and pork sliced like thanksgiving dinner turkey. it was good. I'm gonna enjoy the food here.
Then we were released back to our rooms where I promptly took a nap(mind you it's only 1:00 PM) and then a shower. I feel like a new woman. Our goal is to stay awake until 10. We'll see how well that goes......
We've received our cell phones, YAY! and our money for the week. Then we went to "Happy Hour" complete with cocktails..... Yeah that went over well when 4 of us informed them that we don't drink. Then of course we were later trying to email our family and don't worry I've got it in great with the teacher. This is seriously gonna be the greatest quarter already!
That was my first two days. I've attached as many pictures as I can. I'll keep you as updated as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you ladies made it safe and sound. From the pictures it looks like your rooms are pretty nice and what a great view out the window.

    I am so excited for you and the opportunity that this quarter will bring. It will be a life time experience and one that you will add to your inspiration and philosophy of design.

    Thanks for sharing and allowing your followers to live through your experience. I can't wait to hear more~


